Full course to taste Kagoshima for the first time初めての鹿児島旅行のフルコース


Hello,everyone. I'm Hikari. I am organic farmer in Kagoshima-city japan. My house is certified private lodging.

Yakushima  http://yakukan.jp/index.html

Senganen  https://www.senganen.jp/en/

Ibusuki  http://www.ibusuki.or.jp/

These three sightseeing spots are visited by customers who stay at our house.
After arriving in Kagoshima by bullet train or plane, tourists will sightsee in Kagoshima city.
To Yakushima by early morning ferry the next morning.

Many people leaving Kagoshima after returning from Yakushima to Kagoshima city,but some people visit Ibusuki which is famous for  Sand steamed hot spring.

It will be a full course as the first Kagoshima trip.

It was the other day.
Two Chinese beautiful girls have returned to the ferry platform in Kagoshima city from Yakushima sightseeing.
I heard about the schedule of the next day in the pick up car.
"After going to Ibusuki and Senganen, we will head to Kumamoto at night."

When departing from my house,Ibusuki is reverse direction from Senganen,it is difficult to go around both.
After all, I advised to consult with the  tourist information office in Kagoshima central station.

Did they enjoy the full course?
I am curious.
